Come join the learning fun in my upcoming interactive course on one of astrology's most foundational delineation tools - planetary rulership and essential dignity.
We'll meet for 4 consecutive Sundays from July 31st - August 21st at 11am PT / 2pm ET. All classes will be recorded and available to download for keeps!
Each 2-hour live Zoom class will be focused on breaking down who the planets answer to, the strength of the boss in charge, and how these chains of command affect our planetary shades of expression.

Discover the Thema Mundi World Chart
Learn the concept of dignity and debility
Take a deeper look into each planet in its domicile and detriment position
Examine two more dignities: Exaltation and Fall
Unpack each exalted and fallen planet in their signs
Explore charts to investigate these 4 essential dignities in action
Learn about final dispositors & mutual reception
Interpret looping chains and the planetary palette they create
See these chains unfold through chart examples
Read further into planetary rulerships via the angles and the houses
Identify strong houses and ones that need finessing
Analyze linked houses that are tied into one another via rulership

meet your teacher: Mel lafara
Learning is meant to be fun. As an astrological consultant with 15 years of experience, I aim to pair my well of knowledge with my playful, artistic nature to facilitate an engaging class room experience. I believe the best way to learn is via live interaction and real-time feedback. I play the role of the facilitator while we all stoke the hive mind, for an inspired group creates unlimited educational possibilities.
I'm particularly passionate about debunking the stereotypes around dignified and debilitated planets. There are no "bad" planets or "good" planets, just different styles of consistency. I hope you'll join me for Chain of Command, a course designed to illustrate that every planet in every sign has its strengths and weaknesses.
What You'll Gain From This Course...
nuance in your astrological interpretations
increased understanding of the individual shades of planetary flow
identifying and deciphering the consistencies of each archetype
"She’s the type of teacher that allows for the student to express themself. The patient kind. The loving and nurturing kind who slips in astrofacts between the celebrations and joy of natal self-interpretation."
“As a person who is barely getting their feet wet on the astrology world, I have to say I really enjoyed every moment of the course. I liked everything from the slides, to the teaching style to the real examples from people in the class. I appreciated the openness to answer questions and the thoroughness of the material. I feel more aware of how the stars and planets play a role in our lives and I feel more motivated to learn more about myself and those around me, while keeping the influence of astrology in mind."