The Feminine Principle Podcast - Week of July 17th, 2017

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Episode 9 - "Have Fun & Break Free!" - of The Feminine Principle Podcast is now live! You can find it below, on Podbean, YouTube, or through iTunes!
In this episode, Shawna of Neo Feminine Astrology and I discuss the astrology for the week of Jul 17th, 2017 with tarot and inspirational quotes - featuring Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces & trine Jupiter in Libra, the Sun & Mars in Cancer square Uranus in Aries, and the New Moon at 0° Leo!" ✨🔮✨
This is quite a week the Universe is dishing up! Enjoy the ride as we exit the emotional feeling world of Cancer but not before being shook up by Uranus in Aries... then we get catapulted into Leo season with the Sun, Mars and 1st New Moon rushing in this burst of new energy! Hold onto your hats! 🎩
💜 Mel 💜⠀