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New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo! 🌟🦁🌟

The much talked about New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo is on its way!!! Our lunar goddess will connect in exact conjunction on Mon Aug 21st at 11:30am PT / 6:30pm UT / Tue 4:30am AET. It's time to really take all this Leo work we've been doing to the next level! Beyond the eclipse, the planets are lined up to bring change our way - the necessary conditions will begin to present themselves to allow us to express ourselves in a more authentic form.

If you have planets from 24° - 29° Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, or Taurus you will be the most affected! To find out more about this 2nd (!) New Moon in Leo, the Sabian Symbol, and what the Tarot has to say about it all, please watch this full video!

Wishing everyone Solar Eclipse Blessings!! 💫

May the stars be with you...

💜Mel 💜

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