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EP Podcast - Week of Nov 5th w/ James David Wade 💫

Energetic Principles Podcast - w/ guest James David Wade

Good Monday to all!!! 🌈 Energetic Principles Podcast - Episode 28 is now live for your listening pleasure on Soundcloud & iTunes !!!

This week - November 5th - is ripe with changes in the skies, and we are likely to feel as if we are transitioning between two worlds as Jupiter moves into Sagittarius for a year long stay and the lunar nodes shift into the Cancer / Capricorn axis for an 18 month journey. We also have a watery New Moon in Scorpio that is setting the stage for fresh intentions to be set based on what we have learned in the time that Jupiter has been in Scorpio, planting transformative seeds that will be ripe in manifestation by early May of 2019. 🌱💦

I’m thrilled to welcome back San Diego based professional astrologer and clairvoyant, James David Wade, for a discussion on “Jupiter in Sagittarius“ - where we talk in depth around the potential themes of Jupiter’s year long stay in Sagittarius, particularly in relation to our current world climate. We reminisce on what the Scorpio transit looked like, while also referencing back to the last time Jupiter was in Sagittarius to find potential themes… and surprisingly (or not) there were quite a few good ones! I always have a fab time talking with James and I hope that you all enjoy it as much as I do! 🔮

During our chat James gave the suggestion that if you want to try connecting with Jupiter's energy during this period, he highly recommends the Jupiter Planetary Magic Starter Pack by Ryhan Butler. You can find this unique offering here!

Jupiter Planetary Magic Starter Pack by Ryhan Butler

If you would like to connect with James further , you can visit him as James David Wade on FB or @goldvisions and his IG handle is @jdavid_wade - give him a follow to to stay up to date with his wise words!!!

As always, if you would like to show appreciation for my work, I encourage you to check out my Patreon - this particular giveaway was exclusively for those who have signed up in support! So for a small nominal fee you can get early access, moon horoscopes, and the option of signing up for the custom tarot subscription! And if you know of anyone who would be interested in such things, please spread the good word to keep this dream alive! 💫

Happy listening! May the stars be with you! ✨✨✨

💜 Mel

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