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EP Podcast - Week of June 3rd w/ Viviana Guzman 💫

Energetic Principles Podcast - w/ guest Viviana Guzman - NORWAC 2019: A Recap

Good Monday to all!!! 🌈 Energetic Principles Podcast - Episode 55 is now live for your listening pleasure on Soundcloud & iTunes !!!

This week - June 3rd - we start fresh off a New Moon in Gemini and continue to encounter shifts as both Mercury and Venus change signs, and the Sun activates 2019’s Jupiter / Neptune square. Transitions are upon us and our spiritual dreams of the future come to the surface in confrontation, as we go through an alchemical process to align the mind and the heart as one. Paying attention to the mind’s creative ability to solve problems while also keeping the faith will be the key to our our forward evolution. 🛫

I’m excited to welcome Grammy nominated flute queen and my dear astro friend, Viviana Guzman, to talk about “NORWAC 2019: A Recap“ - where Viviana and I recount our delightful experience at the Northwest Astrological Conference that took place outside of Seattle - May 23rd - 27th. We share our adventures as roomies, telling tales of humorous encounters throughout our weekend, while also musing about our favorite talks and other unforgettable happenings that made the 35th Annual (sold out) NORWAC conference a weekend we’ll never forget! 🔮

NORWAC 2019 Crew - 3 Scorpio Risings and an Aquarius Rising

We had so much fun at the conference and met some lovely people along the way! The picture above is after a delicious sushi dinner, right before we rushed over to see Lynn Bell's closing keynote speech. Three Scorpio risings and an Aquarius rising... can you guess which is which?? To find out more about the conference, or to order lecture recordings (highly recommended) you can do so here. And be sure to give the fabulous Viviana Guzman a checkout for she is a Leonine force to be reckon with! You can find her at and over on IG @viviana_flutequeen !!! Oh and of course... we can't forget Viviana's whale experience! Watch below!

As always, if you would like to show appreciation for my work, I encourage you to check out my Patreon - for a small nominal fee you can get early access, my new offering Moon Animal Monthly, and/or the option of signing up for the weekly "custom spread" Tarot Subscription! And if you know of anyone who would be interested in such things, please spread the good word to keep this dream alive! 💫

Happy listening! May the stars be with you! ✨✨✨

💜 Mel

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