Full Moon in Aquarius - Future Love 🤖

The future is here! I don't know about you all but I am feeling that shift in momentum since Jupiter stationed direct and Uranus stationed retrograde last Sunday, and with this Full Moon in Aquarius waxing to its maximum brightness, inspirations for the future are seeding in as possibilities for what is next swirl around in my headspace.
Aquarius energy thrives on potentials and ideals with its fixed air signature that takes ideas seriously and desires to innovate the status quo in sometimes unconventional ways. It's an energy that desires freedom and space to do you, yet also thrives in a group setting when the individual gets to show off its talents (Leo) within the group (Aquarius). It helps to lift up energy and air out what needs to be discussed; where we can step back enough to see the bigger picture of our lives which then leads to greater clarity and a broader perspective.
Exact on Thursday, August 15th at 5:29am PDT - this lunation has us connecting with the "now" and the "future" in ways that support making divine shifts in our lives! As full moons indicate a time of climax and celebration, I find that the Aquarius variety is very helpful in attaching to prospective visions of reality without emotional hiccups causing disruption. Rather it's a profound energy that seeks to renovate 'what is' towards greater possibilities, and if we are aligned with the needs of the self within this Leo energy that is at play, this lunation is likely to provide the detachment needed to further the trajectory of our personal expression and heart's desires.
The Aspects - Computer Love ❤️
Below is a chart of our Full Moon at the time of conjunction here in San Diego, CA. You can see that there is a pile-up of energy sitting in Leo with the Sun, Venus, Mercury and Mars all representing this domain as the lunar energy in Aquarius sends rays of opposition. Mercury also is on route to square Uranus in Taurus and trine Jupiter in Sagittarius. So let's not waste any time and dive right in...

Now first thing is first, look at all that Leo going on in the chart!!! That's why I decided to use this luscious and sexy robot image by 80s artist Hajime Sorayama because she is hot and she knows it! Even if she is a robot! And I think we will be feeling quite hot ourselves at this time if we are connecting with a sense of harmony around the heart. And if that is not the case, then there may be some anger which arises as the inner child seeks to be heard and asks that we innovate our future to help make that alignment.
The key to this meeting of the heart and mind is that the Sun and Venus have just met in their synodic cycle's superior conjunction (late night Tues 8/13) and are starting a whole new cycle of personal desires, attractions, and heart centered relationship energy. If you are feeling a bit off kilter that just means that what we are drawn in towards is going to have a much greater pull, just as what repels us will equally make itself known in a strong way... and with the full moon lining up to bring us the emotional big picture, we will either be sitting pretty or in need of some reform.
It's quite possible that the mind is the last one onboard here as Mercury RX'd during eclipse season in July and has just moved into Leo to make the same Uranus squares and Jupiter trines that Mars, the Sun, and Venus have already made. Once our perspective opens our minds will likely be excitable with changes of heart and that can affect areas of our everyday life with Uranus in Taurus. Reality is shifting and shaking so we can make growth that is aligned with an updated heart center and a new set of self-driven values. Shortly after the FM apexes, Mercury will go through a restless period where the messenger will seek to shake things up and liberate some energy... so do not be caught off guard if you hear some surprising news from others or unexpected correspondence comes in that signifies changes in the outer world. It's all part of the next growth spurt that takes place on Aug 21st when Mercury will trine Jupiter.
Overall, I see this lunation as being greatly tied to expanding our stories within the magic of divine love, for the Moon in Aquarius will sextile Jupiter right before she opposes the Sun, Venus, and then Mars. We are seeding ourselves with future potential as we use the FM ruler Saturn to architect new starts in the physical world around our ideal visions. I see this whole lunar cycle as a strengthening month of lunations as both the NM in Leo had the Sun in domicile and the FM in Aquarius has Saturn in his own sign, solidifying individual purpose so we may commit ourselves to the promises of the future and proceed to greater self mastery.
Whether or not it applies at all, this Kraftwerk song titled "Computer Love" popped in my head and it felt right to share for this Full Moon in Aquarius! I hope you dig it as much as I do! 👾
The Symbol - Look At Me! 🐻
If you are a previous reader of my astroblog, you know I like to look at the Sabian Symbol of the lunation as it adds another bit of depth to the story that we are telling. As always, we take the degree and minutes and round up. Here we have the following:
23° Aquarius - "A big bear sitting down and waving all its paws."
Keyword: Aptitude
Theme: Achievement
I found this to be quite an interesting symbol with all these planets that are piling up in Leo and then we see our moon degree in Aquarius waving its paws to draw in attention, which is a very leonine thing to do. I like to think that through all this eclipse energy that we experienced back in July, and then with the personal planets squaring Uranus and going on to trine Jupiter, we have refined ourselves and connected with the heart enough to wave our paws in the air to signal "we've got this!" Look at me! Look what I can do!
It is a form of expression after all, and we have gathered our primitive impulses to fixate and stand our ground in what we know we have aptitude in and would like to move towards greater achievement. It's a time of showing off our talents, yet not in a way that lessens anybody else, rather we are just clearer in regards to who we are and what we have to offer the world. If that isn't Leo / Aquarius, I don't know what is!
I, in fact, happen to be a big bear sitting down and waving all my paws as I launched my new Patreon-exclusive program called "Astro Storytime" today! If you are interested in following along with how I analyze charts in real time while also listening to intriguing stories that are both mundane and with featured persons of interest, I suggest you check out this new $6 per/month offering! You can find out more right here!
Full Moon Blessings to All!! 💫
Well we are off to the races in what is bound to be a productive Virgo season that lies ahead, yet for now we are aligning with our hearts in this bigger frame of cosmic reference... for we now know what we desire, and are prime to manifest our visions for the future into the real world!
Wishing everyone a grounding lunar eclipse!
May the stars be with you!!! ✨✨✨
💜 Mel