EP Podcast - Week of Sept 23rd w/ Jemila Pendleton 💫
Good Monday to all!!! 🌈 Energetic Principles Podcast - Episode 71 is now live for your listening pleasure on Soundcloud & iTunes !!!
This week - September 23rd - Libra season is officially here!! The seasons are shifting as the balancing energies of the Equinox turn the celestial tides once again. Significant events that lead to growth take place this week, as we close down the old so we can re-seed new possibilities into the future. Through it all, the perception of our desires is simultaneously stifled awakened, and transformed in an attempt to get us closer to the peace and equilibrium we all crave. ✌️
I’m delighted to welcome San Jose based relationship astrologer at The Venus Experiment, Jemila Pendleton, for a discussion on “Libra Season 2019“ - where Jemila and I discuss the energies at play for this year’s Libra season as we cross the threshold of the Equinox into dynamic cardinal territory. We chat about Libra energy as an archetype, along with their Aries counterpart, and spend a good portion of our discussion on the upcoming loaded Full Moon in Aries which takes place on Oct 13th. We also take a look at the Saturn / Pluto energies getting activated while Jupiter in Sag provides support to either blow things up and/or move them along.🔮

Above is a little Libra funny along with an animated video of the transits as the wheel turns during Libra Season! Now to stay in touch with Jemila and take advantage of her special Libra season 50% off relationship readings, you can visit her at The Venus Experiment or find her over on IG @venusexperiment - You can also catch her and her weekly love videoscopes over here on her Youtube channel! ✨♎️✨
As always, if you would like to show appreciation for my work, I encourage you to check out my Patreon - for a small nominal fee you can get early access to the podcast! You can also partake in my new subscription offerings that started on August 1st, 2019 - one provides show notes for my podcast's astro forecasts and the other tier features a new monthly program called "Astro Story Time" where I share my analysis of charts in order to tell stories through astrology. The second episode aired a few weeks ago if you want to give it a check out!! We look at Windy Mattresses, Hurricane Dorian, and the intriguing life of Jodie Foster! And if you know of anyone who would be interested in such things, please spread the good word to keep this dream alive! 💫
Happy listening! May the stars be with you! ✨✨✨
💜 Mel