Full Moon in Gemini - Aiming Our Bows 🏹
The Full Moon in Gemini is on approach!!! 🙌 Exact on Wednesday, December 11th at 9:12pm PDT - this lunation lights up the fork in the road around making significant choices in our lives as we draw the line in our old story and dip our pens in the ink to write a new one. I know whenever Gemini heavy energy comes around, my Mars in Gemini will be lit up with some sort of temporary affliction! Alas, I have a current eye condition that is keeping me away from the stress of screens for a while so I decided to record a special edition "Full Moon in Gemini Astrocast" to share my thoughts with you for this crucial transition of a lunation! Listen below and follow along with the chart and the tarot symbols to get a visual for what I am discussing in the audio.
The Aspects - The Messenger Speaks 👄
Below is a chart of our Full Moon at the time of conjunction here in San Diego, CA. We see that our FM ruler Mercury is now in Sagittarius and has arrived at the New Moon degree - Venus, Saturn, & Pluto are conjoining in Capricorn - Jupiter also now in Capricorn is saddling up to trine Uranus in Taurus - and Mars in Scorpio is also trining Neptune in Pisces. Follow along in the astrocast to watch the planets at work!

Here are the tarot correspondences, as well, so you can get an abstract picture of the archetypal forces that are at play during this Full Moon! Definitely a heavy line-up when it comes to Capricorn and Scorpio, yet the Gemini / Sagittarius energy is what is peaked to boil at this time. Meditate on these images to see what comes up for you!
Which one is resonating with you most right now? How can you mix all these elements at play to shift the outcome towards what you desire most?
The Symbol - Variety On Offer 🍱
If you are a previous reader of my astroblog, you know I like to look at the Sabian Symbol of the lunation as it adds another bit of depth to the story that we are telling. As always, we take the degree and minutes and round up. Here we have the following:
20° Gemini - "A cafeteria."
Keyword: Supply
Theme: A Full Supply for Here and Now
What an intriguing symbol for a Full Moon based in the sign of variety! What choices are enticing you? What looks good enough to eat? What combination would make the most perfect plate in your opinion?
Full Moon Blessings to All!! 💫
This is bound to be one busy lunation as fully lit Gemini energy can feel like we are a bunch of bees buzzing around the hive! Sharing is caring, so please let me know how your FM is looking and if you prefer to listen or to read about the moon cycles. I may choose to go with this format in the future as I find it "flows" well with my natural Mars / Mercury sextile!
Wishing everyone a fabulous Full Moon in Gemini!
May the stars be with you!!! ✨✨✨
💜 Mel