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New Moon in Aries - Courage Through Crisis ✊🏻

New Moon in Aries 2020 - Energetic Principles

The New Moon in Aries is headed our way!!! 🙌 Exact on Tuesday, March 24th at 2:28am PDT - we seed into this cardinal lunar period in what is normally our fresh start to the Zodiacal New Year, but as we know, there is much more potency to this Aries season than usual! We are asked to come to the edge of a changing world dynamic and that takes strength to begin anew within conditions of uncertainty. Yet, we must remember and find solace in the fact that we have been here before! Maybe not exactly in this place per se, but humanity has always had periods where courage is needed to overcome crisis, as any living creature has to live within the natural law of survival of the fittest. As the great FDR once said, "Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance." - and I find this as a potent reminder to the benefits of a will well used when it matters most. To hear all about the many facets playing into this period I'm deeming "Courage Through Crisis" click the astrocast below!

The Aspects - A Large Mars In Charge 🔥🔨

Below is a chart for our New Moon in Pisces at the time of conjunction here in San Diego, CA. Here we see that the Sun & Moon are meeting in the early degrees of Aries, while the wounded healer Chiron sits within a degree of conjunction. We also see that the lunation is triggering the midpoint bendings of the nodal axis and is triggering a turning point for Dec / Jan eclipse energies. Much of this energy is dictated by a potent and exalted Mars in Capricorn who sits in conjunction with Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn. Mercury moves off of a flow with Uranus and Venus is separating from her own flow to Neptune. The new beginnings are about to flow! Follow along in the astrocast to watch the planets at work!

New Moon in Aries 2020 - Astrology Chart - Energetic Principles

Here are the tarot correspondences, as well, so you can get a visual representation through the tarot for the aspects currently gracing the skies! The Sun / Moon conjunction will be happening in the first decan of Aries which contains The Emperor, 2 of Wands, The Tower, and the Queen of Wands. We also see the decanic placements for the Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto conjunctions which are indicated by The Devil, 4 of Disks, The Sun, and the Prince of Swords shadow territory. I think these images alone say volumes for what we are likely to experience over the coming 30 days!

Tarot Cards for the New Moon in Aries - March 24th, 2020

Which card is resonating most with you right now? Can you see how all these elements may be converging in on your story? Use your imagination to put these archetypal forces into your own life story and how you can work with the energies or overcome the ones weighing you down.

The Symbol - Up In The Air 🕊

If you are a previous reader of my astroblog, you know I like to look at the Sabian Symbol of the lunation as it adds another bit of depth to the story that we are telling. As always, we take the degree and minutes and round up. Here we have the following:

5° Aries - "A triangle with wings."

Keyword: Zeal

Theme: Enthusiasm

Despite the current world conditions, where are you gaining enthusiasm for moving forward? Now that you can rise above it all, what do you see on the ground below you? With all this energy at your disposal, what are your next moves? How can you pair strength, creation, and flow into a symbiotic system that helps move you into the next stage of being?

New Moon Blessings to All!! 💫

I'm sure I'm not alone as we sit on the edge of our seats during this period! Yes, we are going to need to act in our best interests as survival needs come to the forefront, yet being aware of our impact as individuals and leveling up our ability to take responsibility outside of just our own needs will be highlighted. Make good use of this time as we can start new cycles that lead us to reformed and innovated foundations, while also breathing in fresh life energies that seek to move us from the world we once knew to the infinite possibilities that the future can hold.

Now, to stay up to date on the micro and the macro of the day-to-day, consider signing up for my weekly audio cast over on Patreon! I'll keep you in the know... I promise! And if you are looking to sign up for my Astrology Basics class beginning April 2nd, you can do so here!

Wishing everyone a courage filled New Moon in Aries!

May the stars be with you!!! ✨✨✨

💜 Mel

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