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100th Podcast! - Scorpio Season 2020 w/ April Kent & Simone Butler

Energetic Principles 100th Podcast - w/ guests April Elliott-Kent & Simone Butler

Good Monday to all!!! 🌈 Energetic Principles Podcast - Episode 100 is now live for your listening pleasure on Soundcloud & iTunes !!!

Welcome to this week’s EP podcast on “100th Episode Celebration & Scorpio Season 2020” - where my dear friends April Elliott-Kent and Simone Butler joins me to celebrate my podcasting journey and making it to the triple digits in episodes! We then go on to gab all about Scorpio season and the many astro highlights that will impact this hot seat of a solar month. We dive into the specifics of the Scorpion’s energy as a sign and what it really means when we hear the buzzword that is “transformation.” We take a look at the electric yet not-so-blue moon on Samhain aka Halloween, the stationing direct signatures of Mercury & Mars, and what Venus will be doing as she makes her many moves. And yes, of course we touch on the election. How couldn’t we? It is the talk of the town after all! 🦂

To stay in touch with April & Simone, you can visit April over at Big Sky Astrology or on Instagram @bigskyastrology ✨ and come on over to check out Simone at Astro Alchemy or on IG @simone.moonpower - you can also buy her moon ritual book here!

I'm so thrilled to make it to this landmark in my podcasting journey! I know I haven't been posting as many podcasts as I have in the past, as 2020 took a turn into me chilling out a bit... but I do hope you have enjoyed what has been put up and the wonderful guests that have joined me along the way. I look forward to what and who I get to collaborate with next!

To help support my work, consider making a one-time donation on the front page of this website! Or you can do so by clicking here. At this present time I am taking a break from my Patreon weekly forecast offering while Mars is RX. Stay tuned though, as I will have a new and improved endeavor on the other side of these transits! I look forward to creating something new and hope you do, as well. In the meantime, you can keep up with me on IG or by booking a personal consultation.

Happy listening! And may the stars be with you! ✨✨✨

💜 Mel

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