EP Podcast - Capricorn Solstice Season 2020 ♑️
Good Tuesday to all!!! 🌈 Energetic Principles Podcast - Episode 105 is now live for your listening pleasure on Soundcloud & iTunes !!!
Welcome to this week’s EP podcast on “Capricorn Solstice Season 2020” - where Spencer Michaud and I chat about this year’s dynamic solstice as Capricorn season not only brings the light of the returning sun (at least here in the northern hemisphere) but also marks the grand conjunction of Jupiter meeting Saturn at the threshold of Aquarius. We talk about the archetypal symbolism of Capricorn and Saturn, while peppering in tarot and fixed star correspondences along the way. We do our best to balance words of solemnity with words of hope, as we do a play by play of the aspects that reign during this 30 day period. The cardinal wheel pivots once more, so get prepared to shift gears! ⚙️
To stay in touch with Spencer, you can visit him over at Spencer Michaud Astrology or on Instagram @spencermichaud ✨

Solstice Inspo: Snow Queen by Michael Whelan
To help support my work, consider making a one-time donation on the front page of this website! Or you can do so by clicking here. I am also pleased to announce that my Astrology Basics 201 course on Prediction is now open for registration! The course starts on Wed, Jan 13th - just after the Capricorn New Moon - and will go for 6-consecutive weeks. Each session will be live via zoom where we'll unpack the ins and outs of forecasting the natal chart through the tools of planetary transits, profections, and secondary progressions. If you are an intermediate student looking to boil down what is most important when honing in on prediction, you are not going to want to miss this course! To find out more and/or sign up, come on down to learningthestars.com or click the direct course link here.
Happy listening! And may the stars be with you! ✨✨✨
💜 Mel