EP Podcast - Aquarius Season 2021 w/ Mack Greer ♒️
Good Tuesday to all!!! 🌈 Energetic Principles Podcast - Episode 107 is now live for your listening pleasure on Soundcloud & iTunes !!!
Welcome to this week’s EP podcast on “Aquarius Season 2021” - where Mackenzie Greer and I break down this year’s action packed Aquarius season with its many signatures that will really bring to focus the concentrated Aquarius vibe that is being put to the collective table! We ruminate on what this energy will mean both in the worldly sphere and in our personal lives, and how big daddy Saturn will be the end all be all of this planetary chain. Listen in as we discuss the key dates of this 30-day period, the sign’s archetypes, a few corresponding myths, and my retelling of a meditation that concentrates on non-attachment. We do hope you enjoy the program!
To stay in touch with Mackenzie, you can visit her over at Mack and the Zodiac or on Instagram @mackandthezodiac✨

Aquarius Inspo: Art by the legendary Peter Max
To help support my work, consider making a one-time donation on the front page of this website! Or you can do so by clicking here. Another exciting thing that is currently in the works is Stormie Grace’s Astrology Youtube University! I will be one of several top notch facilitators that will bring to you all free astrology lessons from the ground up for the year of 2021… but only if we can fully fund the Kickstarter! If you are looking to learn, or continue learning with fresh ideas from innovative minds, please consider donating. Campaign runs until Feb 7th and no later! Help us get this thing off the ground! 🤩 Click here to donate.
Happy listening! And may the stars be with you! ✨✨✨
💜 Mel