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EP Podcast - Cancer Solstice Season 2021 w/ Raquel Reyes 🦀

Energetic Principles Podcast - w/ guest Analisa Six

Happy Monday to all!!! 🌈 Energetic Principles Podcast - Episode 116 is now live for your listening pleasure on Soundcloud & iTunes !!!

The Solstice is headed our way! We are at one of two extreme pivot points of the year, as Summer begins in the northern hemisphere and Winter in the southern hemisphere. Plus, with Jupiter stationing RX on the day of this seasonal shift, there seems to be a setup for even more revision in our stories, providing us with a potent moment to take stock of where we are headed and what we are creating. That being said, I present to you this edition of the EP podcast on “Cancer Solstice Season 2021” - where astrologer Raquel Reyes and I dissect the action-packed astrology that lights up this yearly seasonal solstice pivot while highlighting that the heady nature of the Gemini eclipse season is giving way to spirited heartfelt energy that is backed by tender emotions. With 4 planets stationing, Leo T-squares lighting up the Saturn / Uranus square, and Venus and Mars finally meeting in a fiery conjunction, you can bet this is going to be a zodiacal month to remember! 🙌

To stay in touch with Raquel, head on over to her website Astrology With Raquel to connect with her and see what she has on offer. You can also keep up to date by following her on Instagram @astrology.with.raquel !!✨


Sagittarius by Johfra Bosschart

Got questions on the season ahead?!! Join Gray Crawford and I live on IG to ask away!

I will be going live on Instagram with Gray Crawford for a special Cancer Solstice broadcast! On Monday, June 21st at Noon Pacific, Gray and I will do another edition of our seasonal recap just like we did for the Aries Equinox. Tune in to go back over the astrology of the last 3 months, hear our interpretation of the Cancer Solstice chart, and the key moments that the heavens present to us over the next 3 months of this solstice season. Bring your questions and your observations, as we encourage you to interact! You can watch over on IG at @energeticprinciples and if you can't make it for the live portion, you'll be able to watch on my IGTV channel after the fact. We hope you can make it! 💫

To help support the work I contribute, consider making a one-time donation on the front page of this website! Or you can do so by clicking here. You can also book a personal consultation with yours truly here. 💫

Happy listening! And may the stars be with you! ✨✨✨

💜 Mel


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