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EP Podcast - Jupiter in Aries w/ Mackenzie Greer 🔥

Energetic Principles Podcast - w/ guest Analisa Six

Good day to all!!! 🌈 Energetic Principles Podcast - Episode 135 is live for your listening pleasure on Soundcloud & iTunes & Spotify !!!

The beginning of new beginnings is gearing up in the skies! Aries is the sign that christens the start of the zodiac. The ram is known for rushing headfirst into whatever lies before it, and we have big "charge" energy coming with Jupiter moving into Aries on May 10th. Every 12 years, the planet of growth and movement tours through the home of fresh starts, and after a few years of life-changing uncertainty that has left many of us hanging in the balance, this firestarter of an astrological signature seems timely and welcome.

To hear more about this pivotal Jupiterian transit, tune in to the latest “Jupiter in Aries” podcast - where Mackenzie Greer and I talk all about this year's spiciest transit! It's big news when Jupiter crosses over the Aries point, and we unpack how this will be a special 3-part pass over of one of, if not the most, potent mundane degrees in the zodiac. We dive into what Jupiter represents as a planet, the transition from Pisces to Aries, and what the great benefic may have in store while traveling the initiating energy that is Aries. We also go back and re-cap previous time periods where Jupiter moved through cardinal fire, along with a breakdown of the major transit activations that Jupiter will light up during its time in the ram’s territory. All we can say is, get ready for some revved-up, over-the-top, Jupiter juice!

To stay in touch with Mack and her upcoming palmistry courses you can visit her at - or follow her on Instagram @mackandthezodiac



For those who like to visually engage with the speakers and charts, you can watch the YouTube version of our podcast below!



Your support is so appreciated! To help fund the ongoing endeavor that is producing a podcast, please consider making a one-time donation here --- or consider booking a personal consultation to connect one-on-one and go more in-depth into your natal chart or future transits. I look forward to connecting with you! 💫

Happy Jupiter in Aries to all, and may the stars be with you! ✨✨✨

💜 Mel


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