EP Podcast - Jupiter in Pisces 2022 w/ Sol Jonassen 💦
Good day to all!!! 🌈 Energetic Principles Podcast - Episode 126 is live for your listening pleasure on Soundcloud & iTunes & Spotify !!!
The great benefic has moved back home! Many of us in the astrological community have been looking forward to Jupiter's transit through Pisces, with the hope that better things are to come. As with all signs, and particularly the mutable ones, there are always two sides to the coin! Yet, there is much to celebrate with the planet of abundance and forward growth operating from its own domain, away from the restrictive measures of Saturn.
To hear more about what this transit has in store, tune in to the latest edition of the EP podcast on “Jupiter in Pisces 2022” - where Sol Jonassen and I dive into one of the most anticipated planetary transits of 2022! First, we reflect on Jupiter’s journey in Aquarius and how the transference of that energy, occurring simultaneously with an ongoing worldwide pandemic, plays into the manifestations of Jupiter moving into the mutable waters of its nighttime domicile. In a stream of consciousness style setting, we ruminate on the many prospects that forward-reaching and abundant Jupiter may bring to the collective table, while also honoring the high side and the potential pitfalls of this transit. We also take on the Jupiter / Neptune grand conjunction, while Sol shares observations on historical figures that have made their mark with this energetic signature in their natal charts. Enjoy it Jupiter’s piscine transit while it’s here, for the great benefic will move so fast through the fishes’ sign that if you blink you just might miss it! 👀
To stay in touch with Sol, head on over to her website or her Instagram account @polarisastrology ✨
For those who like to visually engage with the charts, you can watch the YouTube version of our podcast below!
What does Jupiter in Pisces activate in your chart?? Shoot me a line in the comments to let me know!
January's edition of The Heavenly Wind will hit the inboxes before you know it! Have you subscribed to my mailing list yet? Each month, I break down the upcoming Astro transits day-by-day, summarize the personal planets' moves, draw an elemental tarot spread, and share an animal ambassador to help guide you through. Super helpful to go back to when you're like, "What the heck is going on in the skies?!" or when you want to get an overview for your weekly planning. Sign up here to stay in the know!
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Happy New Year and Jupiter in Pisces to all! And may the stars be with you! ✨✨✨
💜 Mel