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EP Podcast - Pluto in Aquarius w/ Nicholas Polimenakos & Elodie St-Onge-Aubut ♒

Energetic Principles Podcast - Aquarius Season 2023 - Picture of special guest Tara Aal

Good day to all!!! 🌈 Energetic Principles Podcast - Episode 152 is live for your listening pleasure on Soundcloud & Apple Podcasts & Spotify !!!

Y'all ready for another big shift?? If Saturn moving into Pisces wasn't enough, here comes Pluto ingressing into Aquarius on March 23rd, 2023. Pluto moving signs is no joke. The earth quakes and power structures shake when this heavy hitter moves into new astrological territory. It will take a while for the transition to play out, as Pluto will be moving back and forth from Capricorn to Aquarius during 2023 & 2024, but from March 23rd until June 11th, we'll get a taste of what's in store for the next 20 years.

Ready to jump into the Aquarius underworld? Tune in to the latest “Pluto in Aquarius” podcast - to hear Nicholas Polimenakos, Elodie St-Onge-Aubut, and I take on this doozy of a transit! We start by discussing the nature of the “Lord of the Underworld” Pluto and how its rare ingress into a new sign brings a changing dynamic to the state of the collective. Next, we take a trip back into the annuls of history to rediscover how this transit has played out before so we can learn from the past as we go into the future. Finally, we run through the world themes we are currently seeing that will be expanded upon over the next two decades, along with a distant look into the Aquarian beyond and what may be ahead of us in the years to come! Sit back and get some popcorn… because this is definitely a meaty episode!

To stay in touch with Nicholas, you can visit him at Sparkles of Gold on the web - or Sparkles of Gold YouTube or IG @sparklesofgold! Now to catch up with Elodie, you can find her at 9th House Astrology on the web or IG @9th_house_astrology - You can also sign up to for her upcoming March 19th lecture on Archeo-Astrology here! ✨



To connect with us visually, you can tune into the video version of this episode on YouTube! I even made a special slide show for this episode!!



Your support is so appreciated! To help fund the ongoing endeavor that is producing a podcast, please consider making a one-time donation here --- or consider booking a personal consultation to connect one-on-one and go more in-depth into your natal chart or future transits. I look forward to connecting with you! 💫

Wishing everyone well during these monumental times! And may the stars be with you! ✨✨✨

💜 Mel


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