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EP Podcast - Scorpio Eclipse Season 2022 w/ Elodie St-Onge-Aubut 🦂

Energetic Principles Podcast - w/ guest Analisa Six

Good day to all!!! 🌈 Energetic Principles Podcast - Episode 145 is live for your listening pleasure on Soundcloud & iTunes & Spotify !!!

Well... we are here again! The second eclipse season of 2022 is hurdling toward us and the skies are lit up with (what seems like) every transit in the book. We're about to get real Scorpio / Taurus up in here. Intimate relationships, value, worth, trust issues, the deep need for change to move into our peace... Emotional and spiritual healing want to enter our lives after a period of divine discontent. These are fixed signs, after all, so be prepared to sit with a slow, but ultimately rewarding, process.

Want to be in the know about this life changing timeline? Tune in to the latest “Scorpio Eclipse Season 2022” podcast - where Elodie St-Onge-Aubut and I dish on the most transformative month of the year! The Scorpio’s lair houses two dynamic eclipses while the entire season is backed by Mars stationing retrograde in Gemini in a square to Neptune. Jupiter also retrogrades over the Aries world point and back into Pisces, while Venus starts to get situated as an evening star and Mercury revs up the engine for a lunar eclipse superior cazimi. It’s a complicated month, but two Scorpio risings are here to talk you through it!

To stay in touch with Elodie, you can visit her at 9th House Astrology on the web or on Instagram @9th_house_astrology! ✨



To connect visually with the astrology as we step through the charts, you can tune into the video version of this episode on YouTube!



Your support is so appreciated! To help fund the ongoing endeavor that is producing a podcast, please consider making a one-time donation here --- or consider booking a personal consultation to connect one-on-one and go more in-depth into your natal chart or future transits. I look forward to connecting with you! 💫

Happy 2nd Eclipse Season to all! And may the stars be with you! ✨✨✨

💜 Mel


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