EP Podcast - The Astrology of 2023 w/ Gray Crawford 🎊
Good day to all!!! 🌈 Energetic Principles Podcast - Episode 148 is live for your listening pleasure on Soundcloud & iTunes & Spotify !!!
Can you believe we've made it through the entirety of 2022?? The destabilizing and re-stabilizing Uranian-flavored Taurus / Scorpio eclipses, the lingering Saturn / Uranus square, Jupiter moving in and out of the beginning and end of the zodiac, and a trickster Mars RX... they've all taught us a thing or two about flexibility and wrapping up the old in service to the new. We've done the best with what we had, especially this year which still served as a bit of a holding pattern, despite the changes that were taking place. It was all preparation for the opening of new doors that 2023 has in store.
Ready to get acquainted with next year's astrological roster? Tune in to the latest “The Astrology of 2023” podcast - where Gray Crawford joins me once again to record another epically long annual forecast! We are back in this nearly 4-hr program to walk you step-by-step through all the key actions of this coming year ahead. We begin our broadcast with an overview of the major planetary moves, such as Saturn ingressing into Pisces, Pluto dipping into Aquarius, Jupiter in Aries and Taurus, Mercury RXs in earth signs, and Venus RX in Leo. We then give you our CliffsNotes version of the primary themes for each 3-pt zodiacal season from solstice to equinox to solstice to equinox. We hope you enjoy this marathon treatment of 2023 and that it helps you strategize the use of your "earth magician" for the year ahead!
To stay in touch with Gray, you can visit him at Gray Crawford Astrology on the web or on Instagram @gray_crawford_astrology! I also highly recommend purchasing his Saturn in Pisces Webinar that he gave recently, as it's an excellent prepper for the Saturn in Pisces transit and its lead-up to the next grand conjunction of Saturn and Neptune. ✨
To connect visually with the astrology as we step through the charts, you can tune into the video version of this episode on YouTube!
Wondering what that big shift is in the sky? Here's a list of all the planetary RXs for 2023, along with the ingresses of the superior planets - Mars through Pluto. Typically, these are significant jolts of planetary influence!

Your support is so appreciated! To help fund the ongoing endeavor that is producing a podcast, please consider making a one-time donation here --- or consider booking a personal consultation to connect one-on-one and go more in-depth into your natal chart or future transits. Wondering what 2023 will hold for you? This is the perfect time of year to book a "Future Vibes: Year Ahead" consult! I look forward to talking all things astro you! 💫
Happy New Year to you all! And may the stars be with you! ✨✨✨
💜 Mel