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EP Podcast - Virgo Season 2021 w/ Cassandra Tyndall 🌿

Energetic Principles Podcast - w/ guest Analisa Six

Happy Day to all!!! 🌈 Energetic Principles Podcast - Episode 118 is now live for your listening pleasure on Soundcloud & iTunes !!!

The 2nd Full Moon in Aquarius is brewing in the skies! The lead-up to this weekend is one for the astrological books with Mercury conjunct Mars trine Uranus stationing RX, Venus / Saturn / North Node in a grand air trine, and all as the Sun finishes its tour in Leo to start Virgo season off with a bang.

To hear more about this mutable earth energy about to be underway, tune in to the latest edition of the EP podcast on “Virgo Season 2021” - where Aussie astrologer Cassandra Tyndall and I get down to the nitty-gritty of this year’s Virgo transit, a season filled with earth and air trines and which has the appearance of being one of the “easier” and more flowing periods of this volatile year. We exchange views on the two primary lunations, planets moving from dignity to detriment, the influence of Neptune and Pluto back to back, and how this time period precursors the extremely dynamic months that lie in wait. The keywords of strategy and adaptation are encouraged, along with the Girl Scout’s motto of “Be prepared." 🍃

To stay in touch with Cassandra, head on over to her website Cassandra Tyndall Astrology to take in all her many offerings. You can also keep up to date by following her on Instagram @cassandratyndallastrology !!✨



Want to up your prediction game? My Gemini Solar Eclipse season podcast guest Shu Yap has a 4-week Solar Returns course starting September 1st! I am proud to be an affiliate for this wonderful program as she has such a brilliant mind and I just know this course is going to rock! Solar returns are an indispensable annual prediction tool that can tell you so much about not only your year ahead but the patterns inherent in your life's trajectory.

Airing as live Zoom calls on Wednesday at 8pm ET / 5pm PT, this program goes as follows:

  • Week 1: Solar Return Fundamentals

  • Week 2: Combining Solar Returns + Natal Charts

  • Week 3: Solar Returns Over Multiple Years

  • Week 4: Summary + Integration

So much valuable info for a one-time fee of $297 or the option to pay $160 in 2-month installments! You're not going to want to miss this... bite the bullet and sign up today!


Your support is so appreciated! To help fund the work I contribute, please consider making a one-time donation on the front page of this website! Or you can do so by clicking here. You can also book a personal consultation with yours truly here. With the amount of astro that is churning in the skies, it can always be beneficial to receive an outside POV. I'd love to help you with that! Feel free to email me if you have any questions. 💫

Happy Virgo Season! And may the stars be with you! ✨✨✨

💜 Mel


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