Full Moon in Cancer: Integrating Fluctuation 🌊

It's safe to say that emotions are our barometer of life experience. Some people may succumb to the fluctuation of feeling more than others, but this riding of the tide is within all of us. I personally have dubbed the moon as the "behavior motivator." Whether or not we're conscious of that behavior is one thing, but it is the driving force that governs our reactionary selves. What other planets get involved past that point will be determined by rulership and aspect.
The Cancer moon is the lunar body at its purest. It feels what it feels. It loves what it loves. It nurtures and cares for family, friends, and those it deems kin. There's a heightened reflective quality to this placement as it will mirror back whatever it comes into contact with. Yet, its intuition is as strong as it comes and should always be listened to. Trusting the gut is the superpower here... as it is the reliable compass that can always guide us home.
Exact on Friday, Jan 6th at 3:07 pm PT, we have a Uranian-tinged Full Moon in Cancer. The only thing that lights up our emotional awareness more than the moon in Cancer is when that moon is in its full phase. Cancer and Capricorn as an axis are one of emotional and material security. This is where our family conditioning and traditions stem from, and whether we have received proper nurturing and structure at a young age or are in "re-parent" mode. It's a sensitive area of the chart - for there is a showdown between the softest planet (the moon) and the hardest planet (Saturn). There's an imbalance here greater than any other polarity, and the nature of this pairing is reflected in extreme pivots that are characteristic of these solstice signs.

Now an extreme pivot is not necessarily a bad thing! Especially in relation to bettering yourself and your living conditions. Doing a "180" and sticking with it is sometimes what is called to jumpstart the changes your soul is craving.
We've been on a series of wake-up calls with the Uranian eclipses of 2022. The last of those configurations was the total lunar eclipse in Taurus that took place on Nov 8th, 2022. Eclipses can have a slower dispersal process, one that can take several months - and even years - to unfold. What I find unique about the first 3 full moons of 2023 is that they're arousing the evolutionary signature of Uranus in a flow-tension-flow pattern. The Cancer (1/6), Leo (2/5), and Virgo (3/7) full lunations are developing this Uranian plot line over a succession of house polarities in our charts. It all comes back to that Taurus house though, and the next lunar eclipse in Scorpio opposite Uranus (5/5) will be a culmination of all the shifting dynamics that are currently underway.
Right before writing this article, I got a letter from San Diego Gas & Electric that the prices of natural gas are heavily fluctuating and the current rates are skyrocketing. The average home is going to have to pay around $120 more a month just for gas. Now, of course, this is going to affect the comfort of our homes in the coldest time of the year. Many of us have gas heaters and feel like we're caught between being gouged by the system or living with the chill. The theme of getting your basic needs met when you're up against big corporations and power monopolies can be a theme now. Is it time for radical change or do we just integrate the new status quo no matter how it privately stirs our comfort levels?
The reality is that natural gas is not a sustainable resource. Fun fact: The first well dug with the intention of extracting natural gas was in 1821 when Uranus (breakthrough) and Neptune (gas) were conjunct in the early degrees of Capricorn. What was literally groundbreaking then is starting to run out of steam, and this is one step in the process of the eventuality of much larger resource changes becoming implemented.
It's complicated. Right?
The most important factor here is that we are evolving. We are on the track to finding new solutions, and thinking of our material reality in a new light. One of the most dynamic factors of this full moon is that it is coinciding with the Mercury RX / Sun inferior cazimi, which happens to trine Uranus. There are tangible breakthroughs that can happen now. Even if they are primarily on the inside - being that Mercury and Uranus are both retrograde - we are to be receptive to the insights and perceptions coming in. They have the oomph to change our actual reality down the line. Mercury and Uranus will go direct later in January, and with all planets in forward motion, there will be a period of full steam ahead.
From Thursday - Sunday, engage with the revelations that come in. A change of mind. A tweak in your plans. Alternative options to long-term strategies. The missing piece of the puzzle that's crucial in your developmental process. Open your heart and your mind. Your intuition is on point, so practically put it to good use. Implement the working orders that are coming in... 3 of Pentacles style.

A nice attribute to this full moon is that Venus in Aquarius is leaving a sextile with Jupiter in Aries and moving to a trine with Mars RX in Gemini. After a boost in our desire energy and what we ideally want to create, there is an integration of the feminine and masculine that is taking place. Relational energy has a better flow and we are feeling more balanced within ourselves. Feeling that sense of wholeness mixed with airy detachment is a beneficial set-up for integrating emotional content and being prepared to lean into change. There's just more ease here. Plus, the watery full moon is mitigated by rationality.
Much of what we build in life and the decisions we make are informed by how we feel. Lean into your internal soul compass during this full moon. It can reliably guide you toward exploring the potential of your new normal without being overwhelmed by the change. We are easing into everything with Mercury, Mars, and Uranus still retrograde. Even if you are in the midst of your own personal revolution meeting the outer world, there is space to take it all in. There's still time to process and learn. Slow and steady wins this evolutionary race.
To make the most of this full moon weekend, connect with water. Sit on the beach. Soak in a long bath. Listen to the rhythm of the tides during a pause of meditation. Let it roll in and out. Know that you are resilient and that cycles are a natural part of life. One revolution is closing while another is taking its place. Give yourself what you need in this moment... because the only way to successfully navigate this wild world we live in, is by making your care the first and foremost priority.
Sending full moon blessings to all! 🌝✨
💜 Mel
PS. Want to dive deeper into these Uranian full moons in your chart? Click here to book a personal consultation for further insight!