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New Moon in Capricorn: The Big Push šŸ–

New Moon in Capricorn Image with metal figure pushing a rock in an 80s computerized landscape

It's inarguable that since 2020 we've been thrown some wild astrology. Personal and collective storylines have grown and pivoted in ways we couldn't even imagine. Think back to Dec 25th, 2019. Where were you at? What visions did you have for your future? Were you at a high? Were you at a low? How much did you know then? And how much do you know now?

The reason I present these questions is for context. They say hindsight is 20/20 ... although that does take on an entirely new meaning these days! That Christmas evening was a special moment in consequential unfolding, as it was seeding in a Capricorn South Node Solar Eclipse conjunct Jupiter. The majority of us had no clue that as soon as Mars conjunct that eclipse degree in late Feb 2020, nothing would be the same.

What we were setting out for around then had unforeseen barriers. Jupiter was rounding the bend on a 20-year cycle with Saturn. The great benefic had a trap door to its abundance being in its fall sign of Capricorn. We were all also entering a 3-year period of mutual growth as Jupiter moved through Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces - the winter trifecta signs aligned with communal resources, thought, and spiritual connectedness.

If the fall of Jupiter's trap door wasn't enough, we were also swirling within a south node funnel that had its own pre-destined story to tell. It's almost like we had a collective karma to endure. The train tracks were being switched without a proper update to the conductor. We just kept rolling along, convinced we were headed to a particular destination... but in fact, we were beginning a slow (and unfurling) path towards the next stop of individuation.

Before we get too caught up in the past, let's return to the here and now to think about this New Moon in Capricorn - exact on Dec 23rd, 2022 at 2:16 am PT. It's been 2 days shy of 3 years since that eclipse. Our material lives have rearranged. Our understanding of our collective world has been turned upside down. Our inner spiritual experience has gone through fatigue and elation. So after all that... who are we today? And what are we intending to build past this point?

New Moon in Capricorn Astrology Chart

I like to think of this new moon chart as the big push. This lunation is seeded in a tight and separating closing square with Jupiter who has just ingressed back into Aries. A sign of new beginnings and that bold "I am" statement, we are preparing to fill in different blanks. What we intended for ourselves back in Dec 2019 might feel laughable now (after all laughter is the greatest medicine) but there were many deep layers embedded in life's "great mystery" that purposely directed us to the spot we stand upon today.

We can feel the push, as independent inspiration seeks to plant itself in the material world. Big "Ace of Wands" energy. The pressure is there, the passion is strong, and there's a willingness to grow and expand. How exactly that is going to happen still has some kinks to work out. After all, Jupiter's ruler is Mars RX in Gemini and there is strategic processing that needs to be done. Many of us know what we want to change but the precise working orders are not in. We need more information. We still need to learn and connect the dots. Mars' sextile to Chiron stationing direct also points to the triggers and wounds of individual assertion and what precisely this "I am" represents in us. The bonus is, we are the closest we've ever been to sorting these things out.

Transits between the moon and Jupiter between Dec 23rd - Jan 19th
Moon / Jupiter transits (+ Venus)

So as we go through this lunation cycle - at the start of our hibernation period here in the Northern Hemisphere - let us all pay attention to the lunar breadcrumbs that Jupiter in Aries is giving us from now until Jan 21st when we have an Aquarius New Moon sextile Jupiter that can help us expand further into this promising new future world we are creating inside.

The conjunction on the 29th embodies us with this Jupiterian flame. The square on the 5th adds passion and tension as we are led to an intuitive breakthrough during a Cancer full moon the next day. Partnerships are up against our solo paths with the opposition on the 13th, only to repeat the initial square on the 19th in the reflective balsamic phase... and what I think will be the first set of working orders with Mars in Gemini finally direct.

So no matter where you're at... keep pushing! It's not the destination, it's the journey. This lunation cycle is the key to a new chapter - if not a new series! - that will be written in April 2023 as the sun and Jupiter begin a new synodic cycle in Aries on Apr 11th right before a solar eclipse conjunct Jupiter (and square Pluto at 0Ā° Aquarius!) on Apr 19th.

So for now... remember that slow and steady wins the race. Labor is a lengthy process, especially as this is the first of two back-to-back Saturn-ruled lunations. We are growing but within a confined space. This is the last of the Saturn in Aquarius story though, and Jupiter will be having its say over Saturn in March and beyond! So hang in there!

Looking for guidance on your personal Jupiter in Aries story? There's no better time than the present to book a "Future Vibes" year-ahead consultation! Click here to book a session.

Wishing new moon blessings to all!! āœØ

šŸ’œ Mel


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